How to make the immeasurable measurable
Palas® Instrument Intelligence Solutions Provide National Institute of Metrology with Accurate, Stable Monitoring Data
One of the main routes of transmission for COVID-19 is via aerosols in the air. Therefore, wearing a mask can effectively prevent transmission. The protective effect of the mask must be checked with a suitable filter tester. Verification and calibration of the filter tester are of paramount importance. With this in mind, the National Institute of Metrology (NIM) has selected devices such as U-SMPS2100X, DC 10000, and UF-CPC 100, Charme® from aerosol monitoring specialist Palas® for the calibration and testing of respirator filter efficiency testers.
Officially trusted choice
The NIM is a national statutory metrological inspection body approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. Its functions include a wide range of tasks such as research and setting social public measurement standards and transferring values, compulsory testing of measuring instruments and quality control of measuring instrument products, researching metrological science and technology and monitoring methods. The institution also participates in the formulation and revision of metrological test specifications and metrological technical specifications.
NIM was looking for instruments that would meet high technical specification such as
l JJF 1562-2016 "Condensation Nucleus Particle Counter Calibration Specification",
l JJF 1800-2020 "Aerosol Photometer Calibration Specification",
l ISO 15900:2009 "Differential Electromigration Method for Measurement of Aerosol Particle Size Distribution",
l GB 2626-2019 "Respiratory protection self-priming filter anti-particulate respirator"
NIM learned that the Palas® U-SMPS2100 series scanning mobility particle size spectrometer not only meets these specification requirements but also provides a wider particle size measurement range (8nm~1200nm) with more particle size monitoring channels (up to 256 original channels). The series can also be combined with a single-particle aerosol particle size spectrometer to achieve ultra-wide particle size monitoring from several nanometers to 100 microns. The Palas® U-SMPS2100 series allows a system upgrade for future applications. To carry out the calibration service of the mask particle filtration efficiency tester and the calibration service of the condensation nuclei counter, NIM selected Palas® Scanning Mobility Particle Size Spectrometer and Charme® Electrometer as core equipment.
Accurate monitoring data
There are two important monitoring indicators in the verification project of the mask particle filtration efficiency tester, which are the particle size distribution of salt aerosols and the particle size distribution of oily aerosols. The test system uses a Palas® U-SMPS 2100X Scanning Mobility Particle Size Spectrometer to analyze polydisperse aerosols produced by salt and oily aerosol generators. Accurate and stable separation of polydisperse aerosols into monodisperse aerosols by Palas® DEMC 2000 electrostatic classification column. After the condensate nucleus particle counter U-CPC 100 is counted, the control unit counts and outputs the particle size spectrum, to realize the test of the counted median particle size and geometric standard deviation of the sample aerosol. Palas® U-SMPS has a size resolution of up to (120 channels/decade). By using the system software PDAnalyze, data can be automatically saved with one key without the need for an external data recording system and additional synchronization equipment, and the particle size distribution diagrams can be automatically merged in various forms to present clear and intuitive data to users.
Palas® instruments combine accurate and reliable particle size analysis and counting to provide flexible monitoring equipment. Palas® smart solutions open the door to the traditional particle size analysis market.
Universal Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer U-SMPS
· Particle size distributions from 4 nm to 1.200nm
· Continuous and fast-scanning principle of measurement
· High resolution in up to 256 size classes / decade (128 channels/ten times the particle size)
· Suitable for concentrations of up to 108 particles/cm3
· Universally connects to DMAs and nanoparticle counters from other manufacturers
· Graphic display of measurement values
· Intuitive operation using 7″ touchscreen and GUI
· Integrated data logger
· Supports multiple interfaces and remote access
· Low maintenance
· Reliable function
· Reduces your operating expenses
· Filter test
· Aerosol research
· Environmental and climatic studies
· Inhalation experiments
· Interior and workplace measurements
DC 10000
• No compressed air connection; only electrical power supply 115 - 230 V, 50 - 60 Hz
• Dilution factors 1:10, 1:100, 1:1,000, 1:10,000
• The user can perform a simple functional test on-site
• The dilution systems can be combined with all common particle counters
• The dilution systems from Palas® are characterized unambiguously. This is documented with a calibration certificate for each individual device.
• Aerosol dilutions in filter media test systems, e.g. MFP 1000 HEPA and MFP Nano plus according to EN 1822 and ISO 29463
• Aerosol dilutions in filter test systems, e.g. according to EN 779, ASHRAE 52.2 and ISO 16890
• Aerosol dilution in clean rooms
• Aerosol dilution in the operating room to determine the level of protection according to SWKI VA 105-1 and DIN 1946-4
• Recovery tests according to ISO 14644-3
UF-CPC 100
Contact: Nick.Zhang
Phone: 13916855175
Tel: 021-56035615
Add: Suite902,No.3,Magnolia Green Square,Lane251,SongHuaJiang Road,Shanghai,China,200093